Lost 2014 Tour: G'day for a Visit

No trip to Honolulu would be complete without a visit to the Hawaii Convention Center, stand-in for Sydney Airport in LOST.  One of the only disappointments of my 2011 stay on Oahu was the fact that the convention center was under construction and I didn't have a chance to ride the escalator.

Happily the convention center was open this time around and I giddily rode up-the-stairs, down-the-stairs several times.

The iconic escalators -- fully operational.

Looking up.

Beautiful view from the escalator.

Almost at the top.

Looking down into the convention centre.

A familiar POV.

Jack at the Oceanic Airlines counter.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

Lost 2014 Tour: Mr. Paik's Gazebo