LOST 2014 Tour: Beach Camp

Police Beach is a pristine stretch of sand just off the Kamehameha highway on Oahu's North Shore.  It served as one of LOST's most-used outdoor locations -- the Oceanic 815 survivors' beach camp.

I've heard that some folks have had trouble finding the beach camp; luckily we had the inside scoop from Amy, a former Oahu resident -- turn left onto Papaiola Road from the highway, park, walk via the access corridor to the beach, then turn left and walk about 10 minutes to your destination.  Theoretically you can also park in the public lot near Puaena Beach then go right along the beach, but that is a much, much longer journey.

Police Beach was the must-see location for my second trip to Oahu, and it did not disappoint.  The sand is soft, the water clear,  and when we arrived there wasn't another soul in sight.

Police Beach

Almost hypnotized by the sights, I made my way across the hot sand and rocky outcrops.  The start of the beach camp is marked by a bush that extends out onto the beach.  Often it was used to dramatically reveal the return of one or more of the survivors.

Beach camp "reveal bush", far left, from the camp's POV

The camp itself covers an area about 200 feet wide by 80 feet deep.  A strand of trees growing nearly to the sand line provided shade for the characters (and the actors!)

Looking into the beach camp.

Another angle into the beach camp.

Looking out from the beach camp.


I believe Sawyer's tent was built against the large multi-trunk tree with the affixed white sign in the pictures above.  And if memory serves this is a close-up of the that tree.

Sawyer's tree (I think).

Several other key locations near the beach camp are the graveyard and the site of Eko's church.    I'm not certain where either of these were located, but this slightly overgrown area just adjacent to the beach camp may have been the graveyard.


Though the sun was hot I couldn't resist hiking further up the beach, the strains of Giacchino's epic music playing in my head.

Looking back at the beach camp

At the very end of this stretch of beach I happened upon several sunning sea turtles.  I recall these were mentioned in some of the DVD special features, and it was so cool to see them in person.


Later in the day, just before sundown, I returned to Police Beach to watch the sunset.

Waiting for the sun to fall.  (Photo: Ian)

As advertised, it was pretty spectacular.

Not long now.

Touch down!

I had high expectation for Police Beach -- it was at the top of my list of must-see LOST locations.  I'm happy to say that all of my expectations were met, and then some.

Pretty as a postcard.


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