
عرض المشاركات من يناير, ٢٠١٠

The Substitute, a tale of danger and delight

I failed in my attempt to purchase Daniel Danger's " And that's why my hand was shaking. Because this is not a man you go and see, this is a man who summons you." , also known as Jacob's Cabin (which I'll further shorten below to simply JC). By the time I had struggled to the final checkout page the 200ish copies available had sold out. During the course of The Lost Underground Art Project this was my first experience where I had failed in an attempt to buy a poster. It was not a good feeling! Not long afterward, Mr. Danger made a few of his other works available at his online store. My eye was initially caught by a work titled “has thou slain the jabberwock?” , which had an eerie woodland vibe similar to JC. However, I was a little slow off the mark and found that print sold out before I could purchase it. I then tried for a print called "...please don't worry. when i wake up i'll be something new." The third time was the charm. "....

More from Tyler Stout's 'LOST'

In an earlier post I covered the main character portraits present in Tyler Stout's LOST . This article will cover the remaining images present on the poster. An airplane, presumably Oceanic 815, flying over the island -- intact. Possibly a season 6 spoiler? Hieroglyphics floating in the clouds above the island, the same as those seen on The Swan's 108-minute countdown timer. A sparkly grey Smokey shows up in multiple places on the poster. Perhaps we'll be seeing a lot more of it in season 6. The 4-toed statue makes an appearance. The four toes are clearly shown -- Mr. Munn are you taking notes? :-) A Virgin Mary statue, linking the lives of Charlie Pace and Mr. Eko. One of the many connections to religion/faith on the show. A distraught Sayid carrying Shannon after Ana Lucia's lethal shot. The Sayid/Shannon romance seemed a little forced to me, but nevertheless a striking image from a moving episode. Hurley driving the Dharma van he found in the jungle, abandoned...

Tyler Stout's LOST portraits

Tyler Stout's LOST , the Lost Underground Project's sixteenth and final poster, is filled to the brim with Lost characters and various scenes and symbols from the first three seasons of Lost. This article will take a closer look at each of the main character studies that appear in the print. Dr. Jack Shephard, looking a little the worse-for-wear. Maybe this is intended to represent Jack during his bout with appendicitis near the end of season 4. A super-hot Kate Austen. Kate looks fantastic here, though it seems like she may have found a cache of Dharma collagen on the island. Or perhaps received a lip transplant from Ilana. James "Sawyer" Ford, his roguish charms intact, but do I detect a hint of responsibility in his eyes? John Locke. I see a bit of MIB in this portrait, alongside a man coming to the realization that he may just be an expendable pawn after all... Hugo "Hurley" Reyes. Funny, sweet, loyal, honest. What role will he play in the confrontati...

'LOST' by Tyler Stout

For months the deep red eroteme tantalized followers of the Lost Underground Art Project. The sixteenth poster would be special! Fifteen would be lost, but the sixteenth would be found! What did it all mean? For months, poster #16 remained an enigma wrapped in a mystery. The long wait ended on December 15th, 2009. As eager fans burst through the doors of Gallery 1988 they were greeted by an overwhelming assortment of Lost art. Among them was a copy of the sixteenth poster, revealed to the public for the first time. So how is this last poster special? Let us count the ways: First, at 24x36 it is twice as large as most other posters in the series. Second, it features nearly two dozen LOST characters, four times as many as any other DCAAPB poster. (Both The Crash and Rousseau's Transmission featured six.) Third, it was created by renowned artist Tyler Stout. Fourth, in addition to the screen prints sold online, hundreds of free lithographs were given out to Gallery 1988 atte...

A Serendipitous Hanging

I re-hung a couple of my DCAAPB posters yesterday to make room for Tyler Stout's LOST. At work today I realized I had created Smokey and the Barracks . Coming soon to a theater near you. Starring Josh Holloway as Smokey and Elizabeth Mitchell as "The Barracks". Special appearance by Burt Reynolds as Bandit Prime. Postscript: Coincidentally, Amy Lynn posted a nearly identical photo of these two prints on lostargs.com earlier today. We're all connected....