Lost 2014 Tour: Judd Trail
Judd Trail is a footpath through a forested area just off Nuuanu Pali Drive about twenty minutes outside of Honolulu. The area features stately trees, streams, and bamboo groves, all of which have appeared in various episodes of LOST. Kate, Claire, and Rousseau recreate an abduction. (from "Maternity Leave") Forest along the Judd Trail. Mr. Eko seeks the Smoke Monster Forest area along the Judd Trail. Claire with dramatic trees. (from "Homecoming") Dramatic trees along Judd Trail. Jacob's Cabin. (from "The Man Behind the Curtain") The streams along Judd's Trial are also well represented on screen. Locke and Boone just before they find the hatch. (from "Deus Ex Machina") Kate and Claire en route to The Arrow. (from "Maternity Leave") MJ searches for a screen match. Young Ben searches for his (dead) Mother. (from "The Man Behind the Curtain") Ben finds Richard instead. (from "The Man Behind the Curtain"...