
عرض المشاركات من يناير, ٢٠١٣

Signed Juliet Burke Trading Card

And, because one can never have enough of a good thing, here is a LOST trading card featuring Juliet Burke, signed by Elizabeth Mitchell.  Once again this comes from the Cancer Gets LOST charity auction. Again I chose this particular card because Juliet is wearing a shirt I purchased from the Official LOST Auction back in 2010.

Signed Henry Gale Trading Card

Another of my wins from the Cancer Gets LOST auction is this LOST Revelations trading card featuring Henry Gale, signed by Michael Emerson. This particular card is of special interest to me because it features Gale wearing the olive shirt which is already a part of my LOST collection .

Signed Liz Mitchell Action Figure

Wow!  Hard to believe it has been more than six months since my last post.  The back half of 2012 was a busy time for me at a work, and I was a bit blogged-out after spending nearly a year cataloging my Comic-Con/Oahu adventure.  But now seems as good a time as any to dive back in! Cancer Gets LOST is an organization formed by Jo (@jopinionated) and Jay (@agentbacardi) to raise money for the National Brain Tumor Society.  They put together a webcast (with an awesome array of guests), online auction, and a fundraising event in LA.  I didn't make it out to Cali this time around, but I did watch the webcast and bid on several auction items. One of my auction wins is a Juliet action figure signed by Elizabeth Mitchell. I love how Ms. M put a little asterisk beside her picture on the card -- very cute!  This is my third Juliet figure which I suppose means I now own 3% of the world supply!