
عرض المشاركات من أبريل, ٢٠١٢

Eat the Street, where LOST fans meet

Another highlight of our trip to Oahu was the opportunity to meet up with several fellow LOST fans who call the island home. One such hook-up occurred at Eat the Street, a massive collection of food vendors who gathered one afternoon in a parking lot in Honolulu. Aside from a few spritzes of rain the weather was perfect, and a lovely bright rainbow lit up the Hawaiian skies. Rainbows are swell, but the bigger delight of that day was the opportunity to meet and chat with fellow fans -- Ryan & Jen Ozawa (@hawaii and @mrshawaii) and their children along with @aohora and @KoreAmBear. Photo below courtesy Ryan Ozawa Ryan and Jen have always impressed me with their energy, enthusiasm, and positivity. It was no surprise that they have maintained that spirit through Jen's recent health issue. Photo below courtesy @aohora Delicious food, delightful fans, and a rainbow over Honolulu. I can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon on Oahu.

LOST Tour: The End (of our tour)

They say all good things must end, and so it was with our Hawaiian Escapades tour of LOST locations in Oahu. After checking out the Dharmaville cabins and peeking into the Assembly Hall, with our tour nearly over I continued on toward the beach behind Camp Erdman. Looking inland I could see a few other buildings in DHARMA colours; I believe the rounded edifice on the left appeared with Kate and Juliet in season 5's Whatever Happened, Happened . Similarly, a cluster of what look to be portable cabins appeared behind Sawyer and Miles in the same episode. The beach behind Camp Erdman was used to film the sequence where Man In Black leads the remaining Others to the four-toed statue. It was privy to the conversation between Ben and the Man In Black in that episode. It also served witnessed to the look of weary disbelief on Ben's face after hearing from MIB that he was to kill Jacob. I do believe the fantastic scene in which Ben and Kate share breakfast on the beach was also shot i...

LOST Tour: Assembly Hall Interior

The interior of Camp Erdman's Assembly Hall was perhaps series' most versatile and oft-used on-location indoor set. Although false walls were erected and set dressing added, the hall's fireplace, white girder ceiling, and large, square tile flooring clearly expose its identity. First a couple of pics from our tour. The first showcases the fireplace, the second I believe is the ocean side wall. (The ocean side exterior doubled as the DHARMA infirmary.) Kate is confined to the New Otherton games room in season 3's The Man from Tallahassee and Left Behind . Ben is later kept within the same room in season 4's The Economist . We even get to see the games room back in DHARMA days during season 5's Lafleur . Of particular note is the addition of a classic 70s couch. The Assembly Hall also became DHARMA's new recruit processing center, both for Ben and his Dad in The Man Behind the Curtain , as well as for Jack, Kate, and Hurley in Namasté . Also, the season ...