LOST prop: Plate from Juliet's kitchen
The second LOST prop I purchased is a plate from Juliet's kitchen in DHARMA-ville. It can be seen in the Season 3 premiere as Juliet and her book club buddies rush out to watch Oceanic 815 fall from the sky. It is shown mounted on a wall just a few feet away from the oven in which Juliet burns muffins in that same episode. I like this prop for several reasons. First off, it is associated with Juliet, one of my favourite characters on the show. Second, it comes from The Island, whereas the first prop I purchased is from an off-island scene. Also, it is associated with the The Barracks, home to the DHARMA Initiative, a location which figures so prominently in Season 3 and Season 5. Finally, it is simply an attractive piece of plateware. The certificate which came with the prop includes a still from the episode showing the location of the plate within Juliet's home. I've spent a bit of time looking for coded messages and hidden meaning but so far all I can come up with i...