
عرض المشاركات من فبراير, ٢٠١٠

Interview with Nate Duval

I had the pleasure of interviewing Nate Duval, the artist who created 'The Barracks' screenprint for the Lost Underground Art Project. Here's a link .

LOST Season 6 Premiere

The season premiere of Lost's sixth and final season aired last night. I broke out a few decorations to help celebrate. I watched the show with my son and daughter, both Lost fans. My son was very excited that Lost was finally back on the air. My daughter was also happy, but fell asleep part way into the second hour. For the first hour I wore my Locke Lives T-shirt that I won in a recent contest. Unfortunately my Dharma koozie, which I won the same week as the T-shirt, hadn't arrived in the mail yet so I wasn't able to enjoy Dharma beer during the show. The second hour I switched to a Polar Beer T which I bought at teefury.com late last year. Carlton wore this T (well, not this one, but same design!) at the Gallery1988 gala in December. I thought this was the best premiere since the pilot, so I'm really psyched for the balance of the season.