Four months after it began, the Lost Underground Art Project unveiled it final poster, the sixteenth, shortly after 10:43pm PST on the sixteenth of December, 2009. This very unique Lost ARG served weekly shots of adrenaline to the hearts of eager Lost fans around the globe. Below I've provided my personal reactions to each of the sixteen posters, and ranked them from favourite to least favourite. I haven't explicitly rationalized my judgment criteria, but it no doubt took into account various factors such as colour, detail, technique, subject matter, emotional effect, size, "artistry" (whatever that is), coolness, and overall Lost-iness. I love the fact that my least favourite poster appears as number one on the lists of others. Please don't take offense if I offer negative criticism against a poster you love. And here we go: #1 The Crash by Eric Tan I love this poster. I loved it when it was first revealed on the website. I loved it when I unrolled it from th...