
عرض المشاركات من أكتوبر, ٢٠٠٩

'The Smoke Monster' by Ken Taylor

The second Lost poster I purchased was 'The Smoke Monster' by Ken Taylor. It depicts a stand-off between Smokey and one of my favourite Oceanic 815 survivors, Mr. Eko. This is my 3rd-favourite print of the series to date. Whereas 'The Crash' looks fantastic from any distance, from any angle, and via any medium, the power of 'The Smoke Monster' seems substantially greater in-person and up-close. The rich detail of the vegetation, the trees, and Smokey (him/her/it)self really shines, as does the large, full moon (sun?) that casts an eerie glow on the confrontation. Here is a photo of my print. For the photo I enhanced the moon's glow with a small LED light shone onto the print. (You can see a slight glare from this in the middle left.) For most of these posters, the first order number receives print #101, the 2nd receives #102, etc. However, although I had the 20th (-ish) order, I received print #207. This was a little disappointing, but made up for by ...

'The Crash' up close

The tenth Lost poster was revealed yesterday. There are only six prints left to be revealed. My favourite to date remains 'The Crash' by Eric Tan. Here are a few close-ups from the print.

'The Crash' by Eric Tan

So Lost's powers that be have rounded up a group of prominent artists to create a set of 16 Lost posters. Each week, starting a few weeks back, a new poster is unveiled. Prior to the unveiling, there are a set of clues provided which hint at the time and place where the URL for the next poster will be revealed. Shortly after the URL reveal, the poster goes on sale. See damoncarltonandapolarbear.com for the set of posters available to date. Part of the fun is guessing the location at which the next URL will be given. So far the URL has appeared on a Dharma skateboard at a cupcake store, on bookmarks at a university library in Texas, and on a bass guitar played at a Fall Out Boy concert, among others. Also fun is trying to be one of the first to purchase a poster once it goes on sale. My favourite print so far is 'The Crash' by Eric Tan. Here are a few pics of my copy. I love pretty much everything about this poster, though at first I wasn't too keen on the colour ...